
安卓端JAVA AES加密对应处理类

// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)

package com.wiggins.teaching.utils;

import android.util.Base64;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

public class AESHelper {
    private static final String CipherMode = "AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding";
    private static final String password = "Coding@xxx.China";

    public AESHelper() {

    private static SecretKeySpec createKey(String password) {
        byte[] data = null;
        if(password == null) {
            password = "";

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(16);

        while(sb.length() < 16) {

        if(sb.length() > 16) {

        try {
            data = sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException var4) {

        return new SecretKeySpec(data, "AES");

    public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] content, String password) {
        try {
            SecretKeySpec e = createKey(password);
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
            cipher.init(1, e);
            byte[] result = cipher.doFinal(content);
            return result;
        } catch (Exception var5) {
            return null;

    public static String encrypt(String content, String password) {
        byte[] data = null;

        try {
            data = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (Exception var4) {

        data = encrypt(data, password);
        String result = Base64.encodeToString(data, 2);
        return result;

    public static String encrypt(String content) {
        byte[] data = null;

        try {
            data = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
        } catch (Exception var3) {

        data = encrypt(data, "sgg45747ss223455");
        String result = Base64.encodeToString(data, 2);
        return result;

    public static byte[] decrypt(byte[] content, String password) {
        try {
            SecretKeySpec e = createKey(password);
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
            cipher.init(2, e);
            byte[] result = cipher.doFinal(content);
            return result;
        } catch (Exception var5) {
            return null;

    public static String decrypt(String content, String password) {
        byte[] data = null;

        try {
            data = Base64.decode(content, 2);
        } catch (Exception var6) {

        data = decrypt(data, password);
        if(data == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            String result = null;

            try {
                result = new String(data, "UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException var5) {

            return result;

    public static String decrypt(String content) {
        byte[] data = null;

        try {
            data = Base64.decode(content, 2);
        } catch (Exception var5) {

        data = decrypt(data, "sgg45747ss223455");
        if(data == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            String result = null;

            try {
                result = new String(data, "UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException var4) {

            return result;

    public static String byte2hex(byte[] b) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(b.length * 2);
        String tmp = "";

        for(int n = 0; n < b.length; ++n) {
            tmp = Integer.toHexString(b[n] & 255);
            if(tmp.length() == 1) {


        return sb.toString().toUpperCase();

    private static byte[] hex2byte(String inputString) {
        if(inputString != null && inputString.length() >= 2) {
            inputString = inputString.toLowerCase();
            int l = inputString.length() / 2;
            byte[] result = new byte[l];

            for(int i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
                String tmp = inputString.substring(2 * i, 2 * i + 2);
                result[i] = (byte)(Integer.parseInt(tmp, 16) & 255);

            return result;
        } else {
            return new byte[0];

APP开发AES加密 PHP后台类库

namespace icecry;
 * aes 加密 解密类库
 * @by singwa
class Aes {

    private $key = null;

     * @param $key         密钥
     * @return String
    public function __construct() {
        $this->key = 'Coding@xxx.China';

     * 加密
     * @param String input 加密的字符串
     * @param String key   解密的key
     * @return HexString
    public function encrypt($input = '') {
        $size = mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
        $input = $this->pkcs5_pad($input, $size);
        $td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');
        $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
        mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->key, $iv);

        $data = mcrypt_generic($td, $input);
        $data = base64_encode($data);

        return $data;

     * 填充方式 pkcs5
     * @param String text          原始字符串
     * @param String blocksize   加密长度
     * @return String
    private function pkcs5_pad($text, $blocksize) {
        $pad = $blocksize - (strlen($text) % $blocksize);
        return $text . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);

     * 解密
     * @param String input 解密的字符串
     * @param String key   解密的key
     * @return String
    public function decrypt($sStr) {
        $decrypted= mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,$this->key,base64_decode($sStr), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
        $dec_s = strlen($decrypted);
        $padding = ord($decrypted[$dec_s-1]);
        $decrypted = substr($decrypted, 0, -$padding);

        return $decrypted;



基础课 – SEO基础知识
大家晚上好,我是hitortoise ! 一个程序员,俗称码农,简单的说就是一个做网站的。2014年因为所在公司发展微商而接触微商,加上之后开发、运营了微信好多群网站:www.haoduoqun.com接触到了更多的微商包括更多的一些微商产品,可惜的是,由于种种原因,好多群网站现在也已经关站。好多群网站群里可能有的朋友使用过,当时日访客UV过万,PV过17万,百度自然排名一段时间内第一。

- 阅读剩余部分 -




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百度LBS云V3 云存储 云检索接口

 * 百度 LBS云图数据接口
 * Author: IceCry <http://www.zhinizhiwo.com>
 * Date: 2017-10-14 15:51
 * 云存储使用V3 V4暂不支持云检索
 * 暂不使用sn签名
 * 百度LBS.云 http://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=lbscloud
namespace ice;

class Bmap
    private static $ak;
    private static $tableid;

    public function __construct($ak='', $tableid=0) {
            die('ak required !');
        self::$ak = $ak;
        self::$tableid = $tableid;
     * 创建位置数据表
     * @param      <type>   $name          中文表名
     * @param      integer  $geotype       数据类型 1点 2线(暂不支持) 3面
     * @param      integer  $is_published  是否发布到云检索 1自动发布到检索
    public function create_table($name, $geotype=1, $is_published=0, $sn='', $timestamp=0)
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/geotable/create';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'name' => $name,
            'geotype' => $geotype,
            'is_published' => $is_published

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);
        return $res;

     * 查询表
     * @param      string  $name   表名 可选
     * @param      string  $sn     签名
     * @return     <type>  ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function search_table($name='', $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/geotable/list';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'name' => $name

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 查询指定id表
     * @param      integer  $id     id
     * @param      string   $sn     sn
     * @return     <type>   ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function search_id($id=0, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/geotable/detail';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'id' => $id

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 修改表
     * @param      integer  $id            表id
     * @param      integer  $is_published  是否为云检索
     * @param      string   $name          表名
     * @param      string   $sn            The serial number
     * @return     <type>   ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function update_table($id=0, $is_published=0, $name='', $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/geotable/update';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'id' => $id,
            'name' => $name,
            'is_published' => $is_published,
            'sn' => $sn

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);
        return $res;

     * 删除表 只能删除空表
     * @param      integer  $id     表id
     * @param      string   $sn     The serial number
    public function delete_table($id=0, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/geotable/delete';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'id' => $id,
            'sn' => $sn

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);
        return $res;

     * 创建/更新列
     * @param      string   $name                 中文列名
     * @param      string   $key                  列名
     * @param      integer  $type                 值类型 枚举值1:Int64, 2:double, 3:string, 4:在线图片url
     * @param      integer  $max_length           最大长度 1-2048 type为string有效 汉字数
     * @param      string   $default_value        默认值
     * @param      integer  $is_sortfilter_field  是否排序筛选
     * @param      integer  $is_search_field      是否文本检索
     * @param      integer  $is_index_field       是否存储引擎的索引字段
     * @param      integer  $is_unique_field      是否唯一索引
     * @param      string   $sn                   权限签名
    public function deal_column($id=0, $name='', $key='', $type=0, $max_length=0, $default_value='', $is_sortfilter_field=0, $is_search_field=0, $is_index_field=0, $is_unique_field=0, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/column/create';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'name' => $name,
            'key' => $key,
            'type' => $type,
            'max_length' => $max_length,
            'default_value' => $default_value,
            'is_sortfilter_field' => $is_sortfilter_field,
            'is_search_field' => $is_search_field,
            'is_index_field' => $is_index_field,
            'is_unique_field' => $is_unique_field,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'sn' => $sn
            $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/column/update';
            $data['id'] = $id;

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);
        return $res;

     * 查询列
     * @param      string  $name   表名 可选
     * @param      string  $key    属性key
     * @param      string  $sn     签名
     * @return     <type>  ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function search_column($name='', $key='', $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/column/list';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'name' => $name,
            'key' => $key,
            'sn' => $sn

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 查询指定id列数据
     * @param      integer  $id     The identifier
     * @param      string   $sn     The serial number
    public function search_column_id($id=0, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/column/detail';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'id' => $id,
            'sn' => $sn

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 删除指定列
     * @param      integer  $id     列id
     * @param      string   $sn     签名
     * @return     <type>   ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function delete_column($id=0, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/column/delete';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'id' => $id,
            'sn' => $sn

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);
        return $res;

     * 创建地理位置
     * @param      string   $title       poi名称
     * @param      string   $address     地址
     * @param      string   $tags        标签
     * @param      <type>   $latitude    纬度
     * @param      <type>   $longitude   经度
     * @param      integer  $coord_type  坐标类型 1:GPS经纬度坐标 2:国测局加密经纬度坐标 3:百度加密经纬度坐标 4:百度加密墨卡托坐标
     * @param      string   $diy         自定义数据
     * @param      string   $sn          签名
     * @param      string   $diyvalue    自定义唯一索引key
    public function deal_poi($id=0, $title='', $address='', $tags='', $latitude, $longitude, $coord_type=3, $diy=array(), $sn='', $diyvalue='')
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'title' => $title,
            'address' => $address,
            'tags' => $tags,
            'latitude' => $latitude,
            'longitude' => $longitude,
            'coord_type' => $coord_type
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/poi/create';
            $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/poi/update';
            $data['id'] = $id;
        $data = array_merge($data, $diy);

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);
        return $res;

     * 查询指定条件poi
     * @param      array    $diy         自定义数据 is_index_field=1 string加$精准匹配
     * @param      string   $title       标题
     * @param      string   $tags        标签
     * @param      string   $bounds      矩形区域
     * @param      integer  $page_index  分页
     * @param      integer  $page_size   页面大小
     * @param      string   $sn          签名
    public function search_poi_list($diy=[], $title='', $tags='', $bounds='', $page_index=0, $page_size=10, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/poi/list';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'title' => $title,
            'tags' => $tags,
            'bounds' => $bounds,
            'page_index' => $page_index,
            'page_size' => $page_size
        $data = array_merge($data, $diy);
        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 查询指定id的数据
     * @param      integer  $id     id
     * @param      string   $sn     签名
     * @return     <type>   ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function search_id_poi($id=0, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/poi/detail';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'id' => $id
        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 删除poi 支持批量删除
     * @param      integer  $id            删除单条 存在则其他条件无效
     * @param      string   $diyvalue      自定义唯一索引
     * @param      string   $ids           删除id列表1,2,3 批量删除尽可能使用此方法 <1000
     * @param      array    $diyIndex      用户自定义 需设置is_index_field=1
     * @param      string   $title         名称
     * @param      string   $tags          标签
     * @param      string   $bounds        矩形区域
     * @param      array    $diyColumn     自定义
     * @param      integer  $is_total_del  标记为批量删除 若仅设置为1不指定条件则删除全表
     * @param      string   $sn            签名
    public function delete_poi($id=0, $diyvalue='', $ids='', $diyIndex=array(), $title='', $tags='', $bounds='', $diyColumn=array(), $is_total_del=0, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/poi/delete';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'id' => $id,
            'diyvalue' => $diyvalue,
            'ids' => $ids,
            'title' => $title,
            'tags' => $tags,
            'bounds' => $bounds,
            'is_total_del' => $is_total_del
        $arr = array_merge($diyIndex, $diyColumn);
        $data = array_merge($data, $arr);
        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);
        return $res;

     * 批量上传数据 暂无用 每日限调用25次
    public function create_multi_data()
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geodata/v3/poi/upload';

     * 批量上传进度查询接口 暂无用
    public function create_multi_progress()
        $url = '';

     * 批量操作查询结果 暂无用
    public function multi_job_search()


     * 云检索 周边检索
     * @param      string   $q           检索关键词
     * @param      string   $location    经纬度
     * @param      integer  $coord_type  坐标系 3百度经纬度
     * @param      integer  $radius      检索半径
     * @param      string   $tags        标签
     * @param      string   $sortby      排序字段
     * @param      string   $filter      过滤条件
     * @param      integer  $page_index  分页索引
     * @param      integer  $page_size   分页数量
     * @param      string   $callback    回调函数
     * @param      string   $sn          
     * @return     <type>   ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function search_nearby($q='', $location='', $coord_type=3, $radius=1000, $tags='', $sortby='', $filter='', $page_index=0, $page_size=10, $callback='', $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geosearch/v3/nearby';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'q' => $q,
            'location' => $location,
            'coord_type' => $coord_type,
            'radius' => $radius,
            'tags' => $tags,
            'sortby' => $sortby,
            'filter' => $filter,
            'page_index' => $page_index,
            'page_size' => $page_size
        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 云检索 本地检索
     * @param      string   $q           查询字符
     * @param      integer  $coord_type  坐标类型
     * @param      string   $region      检索区域 默认全国
     * @param      string   $tags        标签
     * @param      string   $sortby      排序
     * @param      string   $filter      过滤
     * @param      integer  $page_index  分页索引
     * @param      integer  $page_size   分页数量
     * @param      string   $callback    回调函数
     * @param      string   $sn          The serial number
    public function search_local($q='', $coord_type=3, $region='', $tags='', $sortby='', $filter='', $page_index=0, $page_size=10, $callback='', $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geosearch/v3/local';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'q' => $q,
            'coord_type' => $coord_type,
            'region' => $region,
            'tags' => $tags,
            'sortby' => $sortby,
            'filter' => $filter,
            'page_index' => $page_index,
            'page_size' => $page_size
        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 云检索 矩形检索
     * @param      string   $q           查询内容
     * @param      string   $bounds      矩形区域
     * @param      string   $tags        The tags
     * @param      integer  $coord_type  The coordinate type
     * @param      string   $sortby      The sortby
     * @param      string   $filter      The filter
     * @param      integer  $page_index  The page index
     * @param      integer  $page_size   The page size
     * @param      string   $callback    The callback
     * @param      string   $sn          The serial number
     * @return     <type>   ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function search_bound($q='', $bounds='', $tags='', $coord_type=3, $sortby='', $filter='', $page_index=0, $page_size=10, $callback='', $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geosearch/v3/bound';
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'q' => $q,
            'bounds' => $bounds,
            'tags' => $tags,
            'coord_type' => $coord_type,
            'sortby' => $sortby,
            'filter' => $filter,
            'page_index' => $page_index,
            'page_size' => $page_size
        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * 云检索 poi详情检索
     * @param      integer  $uid           poi点的id值
     * @param      integer  $coord_type  The coordinate type
     * @param      string   $sn          The serial number
     * @return     <type>   ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function search_poi_detail($uid=0, $coord_type=3, $sn='')
        $url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geosearch/v3/detail/'.$uid;
        $data = [
            'ak' => self::$ak,
            'geotable_id' => self::$tableid,
            'coord_type' => $coord_type
        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);
        return $res;

     * curl
     * @param      <type>  $url    The url
     * @param      <type>  $data   The data
     * @param      <type>  $isget  是否为get请求
     * @return     <type>  ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function https_request($url, $data = null, $isget = false)
        $headers = array(

            $url .= '?';
                $url .= http_build_query($data);
            }elseif(is_string($data)) {
                $url .= $data;

        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,3);
        if (!empty($data) && !$isget){
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
        $output = curl_exec($curl);
        return $output;

高德云图 云存储 云检索 数据接口

TP5 位置:/extends/ice/Amap.php 使用:use ice\Amap

 * 高德云图数据接口
 * Author: IceCry <http://www.zhinizhiwo.com>
 * Date: 2017-10-14 09:01
namespace ice;

class Amap
    private static $key;
    private static $tableid;

    public function __construct($key='', $tableid='') {
            die('key required !');
        self::$key = $key;
        self::$tableid = $tableid;

     * 创建云图数据表
     * @param      <type>  $name   表名
     * @param      <type>  $name   数字前面
     * http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datamanage/table/create
     * 返回值 status info tableid
    public function create_table($name='', $sig='')
        $name = $name ? $name : date('YmdHis');
        $url = "http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datamanage/table/create";

        $data = [
            'key' => self::$key,
            'name' => $name,
            'sig' => $sig

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);

        return $res;

     * 创建单条位置信息
     * @param      <type>  $loctype   定位方式 1经纬度 2地址
     * @param      <type>  $_location 经纬度
     * @param      <type>  $_address  地址
     * @param      <type>  $_name     数据名称
     * @param      <type>  $coordtype 坐标类型 1: gps 2: autonavi 3: baidu
     * @param      <type>  $sig       数字签名
     * @param      <type>  $diy      用户自定义数据
     * http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datamanage/data/create
     * 返回值 status info _id
    public function deal_single_data($loctype=1, $_location='', $_address='', $_name='', $coordtype='3', $sig='', $diy=array(), $isUpdate=false)
        $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datamanage/data/create';
            $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datamanage/data/update';
        //基础信息 仅处理经纬度方式
        $info = [
            '_name' => $_name,
            '_location' => $_location,
            'coordtype' => $coordtype,
            '_address' => $_address,
        $info = json_encode(array_merge($info, $diy));
        $data = [
            'key' => self::$key,
            'tableid' => self::$tableid,
            'loctype' => $loctype,
            'data' => $info

        $res = https_request($url, $data);

        return $res;

     * 暂无用 使用高德后台上传
    public function add_multi_data()


     * 删除单条/多条数据
     * @param      string  $ids      数据1-50条 _id 1,3,4 
     * @param      string  $sig      The signal
     * 返回值 status info success fail成功/失败条数
    public function delete_data($ids='', $sig='')
        $url = "http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datamanage/data/delete";

        $data = [
            'key' => self::$key,
            'tableid' => self::$tableid,
            'ids' => $ids,
            'sig' => $sig

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data);
        $res = json_decode($res);
        return $res;

     * 获取批量处理进度 暂无用
    public function get_import_status()


     * 云检索 本地检索
     * @param      string  $keywords 搜索关键词
     * @param      string  $city     中文城市
     * @param      string  $filter   过滤条件
     * @param      string  $sortrule 排序规则
     * @param      string  $limit    分页条数
     * @param      string  $page     当前页
     * @param      string  $sig      数字签名
    public function search_local($keywords=' ', $city='全国', $filter='', $sortrule='', $limit=10, $page=1, $sig='')
        $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datasearch/local';
        $data = [
            'key' => self::$key,
            'tableid' => self::$tableid,
            'keywords' => $keywords,
            'city' => $city,
            'filter' => $filter,
            'sortrule' => $sortrule,
            'limit' => $limit,
            'page' => $page,
            'sig' => $sig

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);

        return $res;

     * 云检索 周边检索
     * @param      string  $keywords 搜索关键词
     * @param      string  $center   中心经纬度
     * @param      string  $radius   查询半径
     * @param      string  $filter   过滤条件
     * @param      string  $sortrule 排序规则
     * @param      string  $limit    分页条数
     * @param      string  $page     当前页
     * @param      string  $sig      数字签名
    public function search_around($keywords=' ', $center='119.168162,36.713983', $radius='3000', $filter='', $sortrule='', $limit=10, $page=1, $sig='')
        $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datasearch/around';
        $data = [
            'key' => self::$key,
            'tableid' => self::$tableid,
            'keywords' => $keywords,
            'center' => $center,
            'radius' => $radius,
            'filter' => $filter,
            'sortrule' => $sortrule,
            'limit' => $limit,
            'page' => $page,
            'sig' => $sig

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);

        return $res;

     * 多边形检索 暂无用
    public function search_polygon()


     * 云检索 id检索(poi详情检索)
     * @param      string  $_id      地图数据id
     * @param      string  $sig      数字签名
     * @return     <type>  ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function search_id($_id='', $sig='')
        $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datasearch/id';
        $data = [
            'key' => self::$key,
            'tableid' => self::$tableid,
            '_id' => $_id,
            'sig' => $sig

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);

        return $res;

     * 云检索 按条件检索数据(可遍历整表数据)
     * @param      string  $filter   过滤条件
     * @param      string  $sortrule 排序规则
     * @param      string  $limit    分页条数
     * @param      string  $page     当前页
     * @param      string  $sig      数字签名
    public function search_by_condition($filter='', $sortrule='', $limit=10, $page=1, $sig='')
        $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datamanage/data/list';
        $data = [
            'key' => self::$key,
            'tableid' => self::$tableid,
            'filter' => $filter,
            'sortrule' => $sortrule,
            'limit' => $limit,
            'page' => $page,
            'sig' => $sig

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);

        return $res;

     * 云检索 数据分布检索
     * @param      string  $keywords 搜索关键词
     * @param      string  $center   中心经纬度
     * @param      string  $radius   查询半径
     * @param      string  $filter   过滤条件
     * @param      string  $sortrule 排序规则
     * @param      string  $limit    分页条数
     * @param      string  $page     当前页
     * @param      string  $sig      数字签名
    public function search_area_count($keywords=' ', $type='', $country='中国', $province='', $city='', $filter='', $sig='', $callback='cb')
        $data = [
            'key' => self::$key,
            'tableid' => self::$tableid,
            'filter' => $filter,
            // 'callback' => $callback,
            'sig' => $sig
        switch ($type) {
            case 'province':
                $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datasearch/statistics/province';
                $data['country'] = $country;
            case 'city':
                $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datasearch/statistics/city';
                $data['province'] = $province;
            case 'district':
                $url = 'http://yuntuapi.amap.com/datasearch/statistics/district';
                $data['province'] = $province;
                $data['city'] = $city;
                $url = '';

        $res = $this->https_request($url, $data, true);

        return $res;

     * curl
     * @param      <type>  $url    The url
     * @param      <type>  $data   The data
     * @param      <type>  $isget  是否为get请求
     * @return     <type>  ( description_of_the_return_value )
    public function https_request($url, $data = null, $isget = false)
        $headers = array(

            $url .= '?';
                $url .= http_build_query($data);
            }elseif(is_string($data)) {
                $url .= $data;

        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,3);
        if (!empty($data) && !$isget){
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
        $output = curl_exec($curl);
        return $output;
